Original PDF Ebook – Today’s Technician: Automotive Electricity and Electronics, Classroom and Shop Manual Pack8th Edition – 9780357766385
Whether you’re an aspiring automotive professional, preparing for ASE certification or already working in the field, TODAY’S TECHNICIAN: AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICITY & ELECTRONICS, Eighth Edition, will equip you to confidently understand, diagnose and repair electrical and electronic systems in today’s automobiles. The text’s unique two-volume approach helps you make the most of your time in both the classroom and the auto shop. The first volume (Classroom Manual) covers the theory and application of electricity, electronics and circuitry in modern automobiles, while the second (Shop Manual) focuses on real-world symptoms, diagnostics and repair information. In addition to comprehensive coverage, accurate and up-to-date technical information and hundreds of detailed, full-color illustrations and photographs, the Eighth Edition features extensive updates with information on new and emerging technologies and techniques. Highlights include coverage of telematic systems, LED and adaptive lighting, hybrid and electric vehicles, stop/start technology, Wi-Fi connectivity, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and other modern accessory systems. The new edition also aligns to the 2022 ASE Education Foundation accreditation requirements and includes job sheets correlated to all MLR, AST and MAST tasks.
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