Original PDF Ebook – Thinking Arabic Translation2nd EditionA Course in Translation Method: Arabic to English – 9780415705622
Thinking Arabic Translation is an indispensable book for linguists who want to develop their Arabic-to-English translation skills. Clear explanations, discussions, examples and exercises enable students to acquire the skills necessary for tackling a broad range of translation problems. The book has a practical orientation, addressing key issues for translators, such as cultural differences, genre, and revision and editing. It is a book on translation method, drawing on a range of notions from linguistics and translation theory to encourage thoughtful consideration of possible solutions to practical problems. This new edition includes: • new material in almost all chapters • a new chapter on parallelism • two new chapters on technical translation: botanical and Islamic finance texts • new and up-to-date examples from all types of translation, covering broad issues that have emerged in the Arab world in recent years • texts drawn from a wide variety of writing types, including newspapers, prose fiction, poetry, tourist material, scientific texts, financial texts, recipes, academic writing, constitutions and political speeches • at least three full-length practical translation exercises in each chapter to complement the discussions and consolidate learning. In addition to the updated Tutor’s Handbook, a Supplement, containing textual material and practical exercises aimed at further developing the translation issues discussed in the main text, and a Tutor’s Handbook to the Supplement, are available at www.routledgetextbooks.com/textbooks/_author/thinkingtranslation/. Thinking Arabic Translation is key reading for advanced students wishing to perfect their language skills or considering a career in translation.
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