Original PDF Ebook – The Domestic Dog2nd EditionIts Evolution, Behavior and Interactions with People – 9781107024144


Author (s): James Serpell
Publisher: Cambridge University Press Print
ISBN: 9781107024144 1107024145
Edition: 2nd
Copyright: N/A

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SKU: 9781107024144

Original PDF Ebook – The Domestic Dog2nd EditionIts Evolution, Behavior and Interactions with People – 9781107024144

Why do dogs behave in the ways that they do? Why did our ancestors tame wolves? How have we ended up with so many breeds of dog, and how can we understand their role in contemporary human society? Explore the answers to these questions and many more in this study of the domestic dog. Building on the strengths of the first edition, this much-anticipated update incorporates two decades of new evidence and discoveries on dog evolution, behavior, training, and human interaction. It includes seven entirely new chapters covering topics such as behavioral modification and training, dog population management, the molecular evidence for dog domestication, canine behavioral genetics, cognition, and the impact of free-roaming dogs on wildlife conservation. It is an ideal volume for anyone interested in dogs and their evolution, behavior and ever-changing roles in society.


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