Original PDF Ebook – Fast Facts for the Triage Nurse1st EditionAn Orientation and Care Guide in a Nutshell – 9780826122650


Author (s): Anna Sivo Montejano, DNP, RN, PHN, CEN; Valerie Aarne Grossman, MALS, BSN, RN; Lynn Sayre Visser, MS
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company Print
ISBN: 9780826122650 0826122655
Edition: 1stNewer Edition Available
Copyright: N/A

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SKU: 9780826122650

Original PDF Ebook – Fast Facts for the Triage Nurse1st EditionAn Orientation and Care Guide in a Nutshell – 9780826122650

This is a concise, user-friendly orientation guide and reference for new and seasoned nurses, paramedics, preceptors, educators, management teams, and anyone else working in the triage environment. It offers guidelines covering key processes and practices triage nurses use daily. Chapters address core elements of triage such as patient point of entry, acuity scales, and “red-flag” patient presentations and how to handle them; coordination and communication with other health care team members; and documentation._x000D_
The book offers practical information on triage for emergency department and urgent care settings, with useful tips for both triage orientees and preceptors. It addresses care considerations for specialized populations including geriatric and pediatric patients. The text supplies essential information on teaching and learning principles and the fostering of critical thinking skills, and covers such topics as compassion fatigue, customer service, legal concerns, core measures, and patient and staff safety. Trends in triage nursing such as electronic medical record considerations, provider in triage, and advanced triage protocols are included. Information is organized in brief, bulleted “bites” for knowledge at a glance, and Fast Facts in a Nutshell boxes reinforce key concepts._x000D_
Key Features_x000D_
Provides essential guidance for key procedures and protocols in an easy-to-read, easy-to-access format_x000D_
Offers practical triage information with a focus on emergency department and urgent care settings_x000D_
Focuses on processes, critical thinking, and the legal aspects of triage_x000D_
Includes care considerations for specific patient populations_x000D_
Incorporates advice from seasoned emergency department nurses and triage educators


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