Original PDF Ebook – Applications of Polymers in Drug Delivery2nd Edition – 9780128196595


Author (s): N/A
Publisher: Elsevier (S&T) Print
ISBN: 9780128196595 0128196599
Edition: 2nd
Copyright: 2021

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SKU: 9780128196595

Original PDF Ebook – Applications of Polymers in Drug Delivery2nd Edition – 9780128196595

Applications of Polymers in Drug Delivery, Second Edition, provides a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to understand how polymeric materials can be applied to current, new, and emerging drug delivery applications._x000D_
Polymers play a crucial role in modulating drug delivery and have been fundamental in the successful development of many novel drug delivery systems. This book describes the development of polymeric systems, ranging from conventional dosage forms to the most recent smart systems. Regulatory and intellectual property aspects as well as the clinical applicability of polymeric drug delivery systems are also discussed. The chapters are organized by specific delivery route, offering methodical and detailed coverage throughout. This second edition has been thoroughly revised to include the latest developments in the field._x000D_
This is an essential book for researchers, scientists, and advanced students, in polymer science, drug delivery, pharmacology/pharmaceuticals, materials science, tissue engineering, nanomedicine, chemistry, and biology. In industry, this book supports scientists, R&D, and other professionals, working on polymers for drug delivery applications._x000D_
Explains how polymers can be prepared and utilized for all major drug delivery routes_x000D_
Presents the latest advances, including drug targeting, polymeric micelles and polymersomes, and the delivery of biologicals and nucleic acid therapeutics_x000D_
Includes appendices with in-depth information on pharmaceutical properties of polymers and regulatory aspects


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