Original PDF Ebook – Aircraft Financing5th Edition -9781526519726
Aircraft are mainly bought by two groups of buyers:_x000D_1. Airlines for their own use_x000D_
2. Operating lessors for onward leasing to airlines_x000D_
Both groups of buyers require substantial external funding, both debt and equity, to accommodate these purchases._x000D_
Historically five key sources have funded the aviation industry:_x000D_
1. bank debt (secured and unsecured)_x000D_
2. export credit agency guaranteed debt (secured)_x000D_
3. capital markets (secured and unsecured bonds; equity and debt solutions)_x000D_
4. internal cash flow generation_x000D_
5. tax based leasing products_x000D_
This is the leading text providing guidance on all the funding options available, the best way to secure funding and how to ensure that robust legal structures framing the commercial deal are in place._x000D_
The book is divided into four core sections:_x000D_
Part A: Market Context which sets the scene giving the user market context and an overview of aircraft financing_x000D_
Part B: Transaction structuring which looks at the credit, the asset, the legal structuring and tax drivers_x000D_
Part C: Core Products and Regional Markets (Brazil, Russia, India, China, France, Germany, Spain and Japan)_x000D_
Part D: Regulatory Matters including accounting developments_x000D_
Key updates for the new Fifth Edition include:_x000D_
– New chapters on:_x000D_
– The environment_x000D_
– Restructuring_x000D_
– Compliance_x000D_
– GATS (Global Aircrafts Trading Systems (GATS)_x000D_
– Full explanation and analysis of recent regulatory changes including changes brought about by Basel IV_x000D_
Due to the complexities involved in this area and the need to ensure that any commercial deal is legally sound Aircraft Financing is the essential reference tool for anyone involved in aircraft financing transactions._x000D_
This title is included in Bloomsbury Professional’s Banking and Finance Law and Irish Banking and Finance Law online services._x000D_
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