Original PDF Ebook – Ultrasound Imaging in Reproductive Medicine2nd EditionAdvances in Infertility Work-up, Treatment and ART – 9783030166984


Author (s): N/A
Publisher: Springer Print
ISBN: 9783030166984 3030166988
Edition: 2nd
Copyright: 2019

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SKU: 9783030166984

Original PDF Ebook – Ultrasound Imaging in Reproductive Medicine2nd EditionAdvances in Infertility Work-up, Treatment and ART – 9783030166984

Now in an updated edition, this is the most comprehensive book on modern ultrasound imaging in assisted reproductive technology (ART) and reproductive medicine. Fully revised and expanded, it covers emerging technologies possible with the improvement in ultrasound equipment. 3-D monitoring of ovarian follicles, bidirectional vibrant color and Doppler, and improved 3-D and 4-D imaging of reproductive structures are discussed. MRI-guided ultrasound procedures are covered, and comparisons of 3-D imaging with MRI imaging for uterine anomalies is reviewed with an emphasis on the advantages of 3-D performed in the gynecologist’s office, and as a less expensive modality. The overall approach of the original edition is maintained, starting with ultrasound safety and technique and diagnosis of the ovary, uterus and fallopian tubes (both normal and pathologic), followed by both male and female infertility and ART treatments and procedures. Ultrasound monitoring of follicular development, the endometrium, and as an aid in embryo transfer to maximize IVF success rates are reviewed. Topics new to this edition include updated information on the diagnosis of benign and malignant adnexal masses, 3-D follicle monitoring, and the diagnosis of adenomyosis and endometriosis, including deep inseminated endometriosis. Additionally, the evaluation of endometrial receptivity, the use of contrasts for fallopian tube patency, controversies regarding septate uterus versus arcurate uterus with the use of 3-D ultrasound, and 3-D ultrasound with saline infusion sonogram and early pregnancy ultrasound are all discussed. An excellent resource for reproductive medicine and ART specialists, gynecologists and ultrasonographers alike, Ultrasound Imaging in Reproductive Medicine, Second Edition covers all that clinicians need to know about the role of ultrasound, from the first time a woman comes into the clinic for treatment, including ART, to early pregnancy monitoring. See better, do ART better.


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