Original PDF Ebook – An Introduction to Conversation Analysis3rd Edition -9781350090637


Author (s): Anthony J. Liddicoat
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic Print
ISBN: 9781350090637 1350090638
Edition: 3rd
Copyright: N/A

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SKU: 9781350090637

Original PDF Ebook – An Introduction to Conversation Analysis3rd Edition -9781350090637

Conversation is one of the most widespread uses of human language, but what is actually happening when we interact this way? How is conversation structured? How does it function? Answering these questions and more, An Introduction to Conversation Analysis is an essential overview of this topic for students in a wide range of disciplines including sociolinguistics, discourse analysis and sociology. This is the only book you need to learn how to do conversation analysis. Beginning by positioning conversation analysis amongst other methodologies, this book explains the advantages before guiding you step-by-step through how to do conversation analysis and what it reveals about the ways language works in communication. Chapters introduce every aspect of conversation analysis logically and clearly, covering topics such as transcription, turn-taking, sequence organisation, repair, and storytelling. Now fully revised and expanded to take account of recent developments, this third edition includes: – 3 new chapters, covering action formation and epistemics, multimodality and spoken interaction, and written conversation – New topics including online and mobile technology, cross-cultural conversation and medical discourse – A glossary of key terms, brand new exercises and updated lists of further reading – A fully updated companion website, featuring tutorials, audio and video files, and a range of different exercises covering turn taking, organisation and repair


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