Original PDF Ebook – A Tour of Data Science1st EditionLearn R and Python in Parallel – 9780367895860


Author (s): Nailong Zhang
Publisher: Chapman & Hall Print
ISBN: 9780367895860 0367895862
Edition: 1st
Copyright: 2021

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SKU: 9780367895860

Original PDF Ebook – A Tour of Data Science1st EditionLearn R and Python in Parallel – 9780367895860

A Tour of Data Science: Learn R and Python in Parallel covers the fundamentals of data science, including programming, statistics, optimization, and machine learning in a single short book. It does not cover everything, but rather, teaches the key concepts and topics in Data Science. It also covers two of the most popular programming languages used in Data Science, R and Python, in one source. Key features: Allows you to learn R and Python in parallel Cover statistics, programming, optimization and predictive modelling, and the popular data manipulation tools – data.table and pandas Provides a concise and accessible presentation Includes machine learning algorithms implemented from scratch, linear regression, lasso, ridge, logistic regression, gradient boosting trees, etc. Appealing to data scientists, statisticians, quantitative analysts, and others who want to learn programming with R and Python from a data science perspective.


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