Original PDF Ebook – Data-Driven Healthcare: How Analytics and BI are Transforming the Industry1st Edition – 9781118772218


Author (s): Madsen, Laura B.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons P&T Print
ISBN: 9781118772218 1118772210
Edition: 1st
Copyright: 2014

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SKU: 9781118772218

Original PDF Ebook – Data-Driven Healthcare: How Analytics and BI are Transforming the Industry1st Edition – 9781118772218

Healthcare is changing, and data is the catalyst_x000D_
Data is taking over in a powerful way, and it’s revolutionizing the healthcare industry. You have more data available than ever before, and applying the right analytics can spur growth. Benefits extend to patients, providers, and board members, and the technology can make centralized patient management a reality. Despite the potential for growth, many in the industry and government are questioning the value of data in health care, wondering if it’s worth the investment._x000D_
Data-Driven Healthcare: How Analytics and BI are Transforming the Industry tackles the issue and proves why BI is not only worth it, but necessary for industry advancement. Healthcare BI guru Laura Madsen challenges the notion that data have little value in healthcare, and shows how BI can ease regulatory reporting pressures and streamline the entire system as it evolves. Madsen illustrates how a data-driven organization is created, and how it can transform the industry._x000D_
Learn why BI is a boon to providers_x000D_
Create powerful infographics to communicate data more effectively_x000D_
Find out how Big Data has transformed other industries, and how it applies to healthcare_x000D_
Data-Driven Healthcare: How Analytics and BI are Transforming the Industry provides tables, checklists, and forms that allow you to take immediate action in implementing BI in your organization. You can’t afford to be behind the curve. The industry is moving on, with or without you. Data-Driven Healthcare: How Analytics and BI are Transforming the Industry is your guide to utilizing data to advance your operation in an industry where data-fueled growth will be the new norm.


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